>QM_Project | Human Factor Engineering

allows Public and Private Sector to manage and predict Human Behavior in safety-critical situations. 


Who we are

>QM_project is a Swiss based Artificial Intelligence Startup Company.

We provide Prediction Models and Platform able to contextualize dynamic and static performance under pressure and our psychophysical reaction to save lives and create value. For training, performance, safety and Medical R&D  purposes.

Our Goal is to bridge the missing correlation between stimulus and response: the Human Factor.

> QM_Project has over 18 years of experience in Artificial Intelligence area.

Why we do

The Human Factor in the System

Q: The most valued element in the system is not considered in engineering.

A: >QM_Project brings the Human Being into the System applying the engineering methodologies to the Human Factor.

Stress, anxiety management relevance

Q: Human reaction to a critical event stimulation influences and defines the result: it could lead to injury, death, loss.

A: >QM_Project uses the Computational Science to monitor and to predict the human reaction to a critical/dynamic event stimulation.

Biometry and telemetry: two stand alone systems

Q: In Human Machine/Environment we have two different systems, working separately without any data set correlation.

A: >QM_Project trains a Machine Learning system with real Human data (bio-signals) classified by Medical Science (ground truth) and correlated with performance contextualization (telemetry, environment sensors, markers).

Why now?

A Safety-critical sectors need

Players are looking to solutions able to identify novel metrics that can detect and predict Human Factor and then incorporate these metrics in adaptive technologies using approaches that have been designed to enable performance enhancement and to improve safety issues.

1. Human Factor will continue to emerge and grow as a critical priority

As more organizations become increasingly aware of the centrality of the Human Factor (and its interaction with systems), the need of effective solutions will also continue to grow.

2. Hardware Sensor Technology

Readiness is now starting to be reliable

Players manage signals and medical evidence, but don’t integrate any flexible ML and AI elaboration engine.This general approach is hard to scale up and can be applied only in vertical and specific scenarios.

3. Computational and Medical Science: two communicating vessels

The need of “next level” paradigms forces Computational Science and Medical Science to work closely to identify novel metrics for transversal applications that can be applied on vertical sectors.

What we do

Prediction Models

> Artificial Intelligence techniques applied to neuroscience

> To engineer and predict human reaction
> In stressful, anxiety critical situations

> For Training, Performance, Safety, Medical R&D

Machine Learning Transversal Platform

Performance optimization in critical training and activity scenarios

> Guarantee the safety of the man-machine system and/or context

> Medical R&D and Therapy Effectiveness

Transversal applications on multiple vertical market

>QM_Project is a Machine Learning Platform that bridges the gap between state of the art sensors and Artificial Intelligence technology to provide highly valued data and services to his customers.

Our System is applicable on vertical sectors, and sub-sectors, adapting and integrating the input and the output in function of the results to achieve specifically in every single domain.

The Market

Our platform is applicable within multiple domains and subdomains such as:

Our Team

Matteo Bigogno

CEO & Founder

Inventor | S&O | copywriter
Owner @ mb.think making of tomorrow

Race Driver, safety drivIng instructor

Mario Arrigoni Neri PHD

CTO & Founder

Computer engineering


Owner @ NOVASemantics

Agostino Ghebbioni

CMO & Sales

Business Development, owner @ CVE145

Former Partner @ Accenture

Former Country Manager @ Indra

Avv. Andrea di Castri

Legal Advisor

Former Managing Partner @ Andersen Italy

 Former Partner @ his own Law Firm

Former Responsible legal services @ Accenture Italy

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